
In 2014, the 综合规划和卓越表现 (IPPE) office implemented a new 软件平台, eLumen, 帮助实现我们的 assessment 目标和帮助分析大量的 data anticipated when it came to reporting on student learning outcomes. Like other new initiatives, it took time for faculty and student success staff to adapt to this culture shift. 

When eLumen 首次推出时,教师参与率是42%. 然而,通过 continued training, creation of quick guides and videos, and a marketing campaign, the adoption 比率攀升至95%. 通过实施 eLumen, San Antonio College 已经能够 从教师处收集直接评估的证据. 然而,教师 只是其中的一部分 更大的评估对话.  

San Antonio College’s IPPE office leverages the strengths of the three offices within it, Institutional Research, 战略规划, and 学习评估 to triangulate the data collected regarding 学习评估. This allows us to discover new perspectives to support all students.  


San Antonio College 目前实施评估 Student Learning O结果(SLO)在个别课程和学生水平.  Instructors assess every student’s mastery of each course-level learning outcomes according to a standard defined by the discipline.  Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLO) are mapped to the program competencies using standardized rubrics. 研究的结果 学生个人成绩数据, 从每个教练那里收集, is aggregated to produce a measure of the attainment of program competencies. The data is collected throughout the semester and not later than the same day final grades are due 通过使用 the online 软件平台eLumen. 

在可能的情况下, multiple direct measures will be utilized and supplemented with valid indirect measures for each core objective.  Assessment methods and data will be integrated into existing assessment strategies and used for both core curriculum and degree-specific programmatic improvement.   

在每个程序能力下,San Antonio College has defined between four and seven “Focus Areas” that span the scope of the competency.  制定课程地图, San Antonio College 定义了三个类别 for 三级(SLO, CSLO, and PSLO /市场所需的技能),在这种情况下,一种能力可以被“投入”.” Link to 符合市场需求的技能age 

映射过程开始了 when the slo被映射到pslo或市场技能.  

 Because it is possible that a course may have multiple outcomes that address different Focus Areas of the same competency, there will be multiple ways to engage a competency in a specific category.  利用这种技术,San Antonio College will ensure that students get broad coverage of all the general education competencies by completing the core curriculum. I我也将允许 c大学要识别和解决”缺陷” in the curriculum where one or more competencies fail to be covered comprehensively.   




虽然只以两年为一个周期, specific items from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), 将作为 an 成就的间接测量 for the general education competencies supplementing the direct measures obtained from assessing course SLOs.  在年度基础上,具体的问题 using the San Antonio大学 毕业生调查,学生课程评价, and the college’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will also serve as indirect measures of competency attainment.  另外, 有关非定期报告, 特别焦点小组, and other appropriate measures that may be identified later will be used to further supplement the other direct and indirect measures of competency attainment. 

欲了解更多信息,请访问 学生学习的证据 


The IPPE 学习评估 office 支持数据明智的决策 制作年度、临时和实时报告. The office assists 教师,职员,项目协调员,academic chairs,以及学生成功主管 生成和解释报告 from the eLumen 直接评估平台. 办公室也 generates 并更新报告 


  • SLO By Term report - Student learning outcomes per faculty course section 
  • 按部门、课程和CSLO划分的SLO表现 -按项目划分每个SLO的完成情况 
  • 教师参与报告rt -学院完成slo评估 以及评估评分 
  • SLO性能报告 —支持办公生成报表  
  • SLO绩效市场技能/PSLO课程 —支持办公生成报表 


  • 项目成果报告 -按项目划分的市场技能(AA, AS, AAT, AAT) 
  • 完成报告 & DC竣工报告 - Transparency – Faculty completion of assessing all SLOs for all sections by assessment due date. Completion reports by percentage completed from Fall 2016 to present 
  • 非完整报告 – History of faculty that have not completed assessment by the due date 
  • 毕业报告: 学年毕业生的市场技能成就 
  • PSLO结果报告 - Program Student L按项目划分的盈利结果 
  • 市场技能成果报告 -按学科分类的市场技能成就 
  • 学生成功市场技能报告 – 1) By 2)所有上下文  

欲了解更多信息,请访问 学生学习的证据  


All of the Arts & Sciences programs develop a three-year assessment plan with direct and indirect measures, 定期完成数据收集和分析过程, 确定需要具体改进的领域, 准备一份年度学习成果评估报告. The annual program report documents the cycles of continuous improvement wherein assessment data are reviewed, 确定成功和关注的领域, 课程改进的确定和建议. Program faculty/staff then discuss and implement recommendations to “close the loop”. 

For more information, visit the SAC SCORES webpage 

Innovation & Aspirations

To further engage student in understanding and exploring their learning outcomes, thIPPE 学习评估 office seeks to 2020年秋季推出SLO徽章. 

如欲参与,请联系: SAC-SLOS@amaryllis-esthetique.com